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401-999-8181 NewClient@BellaMenteCounseling.com
Hello, my name is Samantha!  I am the Director Of Operations at Bella Mente Counseling LLC. My role is to help with just about any and everything !
I am here to speak with you about the type of help you are seeking from our counselors, gather some demographic information about you, and create a chart using your health insurance information. I also will go over any financial responsibilities you might have such as copayment or deductible. I may be the first person that you come into contact with here, and it is my pleasure to meet you, and get you started!
In my role, I also assits the Owner in many of her day to day operations including but not limied to our Billing Service, Match Medical Solitions, as well as our Insurance Contracts, Training new hires and helping the staff at each office locations to stay efficently scheduled and assist them in any way that I can.
Before working for Bella Mente, I worked for many years as a Certified Nursing Assistant.  It is in my nature to help people. My goal is to make you as comfortable as possible when coming to Belle Mente. It is my belief that “A friendly face and a nice smile” can go a long way and make people feel relaxed.
I look forward to working with you! If you need anything, please reach out to me. No question is silly and I am happy to get you the answers you need to get started.
Welcome to Bella Mente!
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