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401-999-8181 NewClient@BellaMenteCounseling.com

My name is Lauren Shibley-Legault and I am a pre-licensed clinician at Bella Mente.  Truthfully, I’m not a fan of throwing credentials out, but I also recognize and respect that people may make their decision on whether or not to seek therapy based on a person’s background.  That said, I have a Master’s Degree in Counseling with a concentration in Co-occurring Disorders from Rhode Island College.  Prior to this, I studied Hospitality Management at Johnson & Wales University.  My overall work experience from even before adulthood has been relatively eclectic, which I think is very beneficial in this field.  It is honestly difficult – if not nearly impossible – to truly understand the best way to help another person without direct experience adapting to (and functioning in) various environments and most especially learning how to navigate different personalities in interpersonal relationships.  In layman’s terms, everyone’s life is different and there is no “one size fits all” way of handling conflicts, solving problems, or achieving goals.  What we need to realize is that these things are attainable and don’t have to cause as much stress in our daily lives as they so often do.  Taking steps to identify and communicate our needs effectively and set necessary boundaries with those around us is typically a good starting point.  And from there, we can work collaboratively on the rest!  

“Sometimes you’re on top of the world; stay humble.  Sometimes you’ve hit a low; stay hopeful.”

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