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Bella Mente Counseling works with woman of all ages from 18+ who are struggling in one area of their life, or many.

Some of the topics we have encountered are:

DCYF Involvement, Job stress, Parenting challenges, Relationship and Marital issues, Weight issues, Self-Esteem concerns, Addictions, Trauma, Anxiety, pending Eviction, Income struggles, Paranoia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Sexual dysfunction, and many, many others.

It is our goal to assure that you are treated with respect and dignity in your relationships and that you have the knowledge and strength to be empowered to make the decisions you need to, and to accomplish your personal goals. We value and respect that many women are in a position of working and being the primary caregiver for their children and we know it can be hard to make appointments when the kids need a sitter, etc. Therefore, we offer a waiting room that is attached to the treatment room so that children can join their Mom’s appointment and entertain themselves while being only feet away from Mom who is in session. Bella Mente also has a toy box for kids of all ages so no need to bring anything from home if you are coming from work or school pick up. We will find something to entertain the kids!

If you are a woman who is seeking help, come to Bella Mente. We would love to help you in any way we can.

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